Sunday, June 19, 2011

Okay my lovely blog readers. I know you're out there, the statistics don't lie. And while I'm willing to write at least 70% of hits to my mother (Hi Mum), that leaves at least 25% of living, breathing people who want to be reading this (and probably around 5% who stumbled here and are frantically looking for the 'eject' button). 

You're about to hear a few home truths. I wont lie...this may get wordy, but I promise I'll wrap it all up with a nice pretty bow at the end.

Truth One: Wondering why the posts have been so light on the ground lately? For the last 6 weeks I have been existing. Generally day-to-day, but occasionally hour-to-hour. I have been emotionally & physically exhausted. Sick repetitively and (while I'm airing all my dirty laundry) guilty of not washing my hair for an entire week. Although that does remind me of a funny story. On Friday my GM - Sales & Marketing came up and asked "can you fax this here?" and I thought he said "You need to wash your hair." 

Truth Two: Four weeks ago I made an extremely personal & very difficult decision to resign from my current role. In the end I was given a choice (or lack there of) and wasn't prepared to compromise. People always tell you to trust your gut, yet it still felt like a huge leap of faith to hand in my notice and trust things would work themselves out. I'm a bit of a control freak when it comes to life. I like to have a plan. 

Truth Three: Despite the best of intentions there are just times when you have to know when to cut your losses and tap out. Some things are just not worth the time and effort you put into them. Probably not such a bad lesson to learn at this stage of my life, but painful all the same. 

Right...and now that's settled, time to bring it all home. 

I'm am not Superwoman, and that's okay. I'm fine with that. To all the parents holding down a full-time job before heading home to your little ones. Bravo. To the single parents out there doing "it all". You are the unsung heroes. Before anyone thinks I'm wading into the debate between who has it harder SAHM or Working Mum's please stop. I've walked a mile in the shoes of each and got blisters both ways. There is no "easier" when it comes to raising children. 

If the last 3 months have taught me nothing else it is this. Everything happens for a reason. Trust in the strength of your own convictions & the universe will throw open doors to places you never thought possible. Concentrate your energy on cultivating positive relationships & stop giving negative influences power over you.

The beauty of life is that we always have a choice and I'm making an conscious decision to live that life. 

On Wednesday I start a new role, in a new Company that's allowing me to work 3 days per week. That means 4 whole days of Mummy/William time. Something that makes me squirm in my chair with excitement.

I'm choosing to share more of myself with everyone - my wonderful friend Gretchen asked why I don't blog about some of the ridiculous stories I have. Honestly. I don't know. Like the time I lost my I-Pod on Tuesday and found it frozen to the roof of my car 2 days later...

This also means I'll have more time & energy for photography, something else that makes me unimaginably happy. 

So, in closing - I hope that things will be a whole lot more interesting from here on in. Watch this space!

If you're still reading this, well done! (Hi Mum) 




  1. Ooooh I'll look forward to some more 'crazy' stories ;-)

    I'm probably one of your 'lurkers' too - whoops - sorry - I'll comment more so you know you're not just talking to your Mumma!

    Good luck with returning to work - I cannot even imagine how exciting and scary it is all at the same time.


  2. Jacqueline Grace PhotographyJune 19, 2011 at 11:19 PM

    Oh shucks Nay - so glad to hear someone other than my mother pops on here from time to time! In my 2 week days off I would love to come and see your girls & get some tips about photography - love your work :)

    Mum - love you xox

  3. Hey Hey Hey now, I may not have have a baby and I may live miles away but believe you me I still check your blog every office day, It's the highlight of my procrastination routine!!

  4. Oh and now that I have established my readership just so that you know my opinion. You are a braver person than me Jac, I always admire how well you face up to change head on and make the world work the way you want it. Things don't just happen, they happen because you make them happen. If you don't believe me look back through the warm golden haze of motherhood to the Jacqui that used to plan my wedding and swear she would never have children!!
    Love your every admiring little sister
    E xox

  5. I'm also a lurker who checks up on this regularly, I think your photography is amaze and I def look forward to some more stories, I'm a single working mum and totally agree with you both ways, one isnt easier than the other, they are both challenging as parenthood is. Hope the dreaded winter bugs keep away from now on, Olive leaf is a great help for the winter months, its my life line in winter. Keep up you r good work and if your still doing your photography when ive managed to save enough for a shoot i will be sending an enquiry your way :)

  6. u are one amazing lady/daughter/wifetobe/mum/employee/friend/human Jacq xxxx gretch

  7. Jacq i am so proud of you and i especially like your comments about everything being for a reason and trusting your gut instinct - i'm gonna need that one day soon and you'll see why. Lots of love from your big cousin - and a frequent lurker....Fxxxx

  8. Dear Anonymous - you are my hero. Seriously! Scott's been away for the past 2 1/2 weeks so I've been doing it by myself and lordy, lordy it's been tough!

    F - obviously we need to talk!

    Gretch - lots of love. As usual :)


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