Will & Jules

In an attempt to nourish my soul & fuel my passion for photography I joined some friends aiming to take a photo every day of 2012. 366 days to be precise…it was a whoooole lot a photos. 

Back after a year abroad, with a new baby and a new camera I find myself in need of inspiration once more. It's with much trepidation that as of 1 Feb 2014, I've restarted the 365 Photography Challenge. 

Goal - To improve & diversify my skills behind the lens
Proposed course of action - Practice. It makes perfect. 
Outputs - 365 Day Photography Challenge
Result - Photography glory. I'm not exactly sure what shape this will take but there will be glory.

There's a twist…(there's always a twist). This time it's about the kids - my kids - in the same vein as Lila Was Here

Check out their site here - in an ideal world i'll be blogging daily (then again in an ideal world I own a Unicorn so we'll see how long that lasts…)

Wish me luck.

With love 



  1. Hi hon - thought I'd better follow you and keep sharin the blog love :-)

  2. Awww shucks! I'm off to check if I'm following you - if not you'll have another follower VERY shortly x

  3. im going to do it! im gunna do the challenge- ek! *excited!!*


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