Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ahhh Summer...where have you been all my life? I'm not sure whether it's a first time parent thing, or that for the first time since I was 4 that I actually have nothing better to do than go to the park and play but this year Summer seems extra magical. I have every intention of enjoying every single last drop of this golden weather, because like  everything in life, all good things must come to an end. I've almost reached the half way mark of my parental leave and all too soon will be heading back to work. But for now it's just little man...and my camera! Bring it on.

Here's some pictures from life lately:

In short:
1) My friend Robyn's dog Mabel relaxing with us at a BBQ
2) My gorgeous friend Tina & her son Ollie
3) A few snaps of Ollie & Tina
4) Elsbeth the monkey
5) Caitlyn...the brownie monster
6) Eddie the swing king
7) Edward "butter wouldn't melt in my mouth" Barrack
8) Mr Will-I-Am
9) A self taken Will & Me pic...I want his eye lashes!!!

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