Thursday, July 14, 2011

My friend Erica and I are hosting a baby shower this weekend for our wonderful friend Jen who's due in a few weeks time! I can't WAIT to have a new baby around, and in fact I get two because my gorgeous friend Robyn's due to pop next week. Bring on those curled up little hands, iddy-biddy booties and newborn baby smell. Bliss.

On the topic of iddy-biddy booties check out these winners. Knitted by "wonder woman" in the previous post. I'm curled up in front of the fire. Hope you're weathering these wintery nights somewhere toastie.


  1. Oooh I love this idea - how amazing is that blog you linked to a couple of posts back - what a fab idea!!! I totally might do that...if I get the time and drive ;-)

    Cute booties!!!

  2. Her blog has actually rocked my world!! Thought of you when I saw it :) Would be ace with your girls xox


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