Saturday, January 21, 2012

Nearing the end of the first month of our photography challenge and I'm already seeing the benefits of enforced camera time.  Don't get me wrong, there's still the odd day where I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel for inspiration but overall my perspective & perception of my surroundings changes each day.

Key learning this week - Paddle Crabs get AN-gray when you flick them around until they land in a bucket. Just thought I'd share that little chestnut...

Here's my weekly inspiration. Enjoy!


  1. your continuing to amaze me missy moo. love 19th jan - i keep spotting those flowers on my way to work and thinking i must pull over and take a photo of them! keep going, i know its tough to keep going every day but you're doing so well xxxx

  2. Awww B, thanks for indulging (read copping) my sulk!! These were right outside our house but I reckon they'd make an AMAZING photoshoot backdrop - now I'm off to find inspiration for today

  3. Cant even pick a favourite this week Jacqui, they are ALL amazing! I have to say your photo of the hangglider (is that what its called?) puts one of my 'kite' shots for this week to shame. Might be too embarrassed to post it now :(. Beautiful pics!


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