Friday, August 5, 2011

So the story behind this picture goes like this...

Roughly .2 of a second after we annouced we were expecting the advice began. Well meaning advice, don't get me wrong but by golly. I'm fairly confident that the President of the United States receives less information when he is sworn in, than your average expectant parent these days.

Throughout it all there was one piece of advice everyone seemed to agree on. Buy a Jolly Jumper. Kids love it, they swore. Kept them busy for hours. HOURS!

With that chestnut in mind I went out and purchased the Gucci-Jolly Jumper (Gucci denoting fancy...not the actual brand). This thing had all of the bells and whistles...literally.

We stored it away until Will was around 3 - 4 months at which point we got it out, strapped our wee man in and stood back to bask in his bouncing glory...

Imagine our surprise when our bonnie baby hung like a dead Marrionette puppet. He stared at his feet for a while, arms and legs limp then looked up at us and started bawling. "Perhaps he's too young?" We thought puzzled and took him out.

Long story short no matter Will's age, weight, location or us jumping up and down in encouragement ever convinced him that the Jolly Jumper was a good idea.

Which brings me to the trike below. We were trying to think of a good present for his 1st birthday. One common piece of advice that kept coming out was "Kids love tricycles".... Can you blame us for being a little skeptical?

I'm pleased to announce that our wee man seems to LOVE his Wishbone trike...and thank goodness for that!!


  1. I love your white blog, looks so good! Pete also wasn't keen on the jolly jumper!

  2. Aww shucks - thanks Michelle! I like to think of it similar to a plain white t...clean, simple & reliable glad to hear others like it too :) Also ridiculously glad to hear that other babies were not fans of the jolly jumper. Such an expensive white elephant in this house.


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