Saturday, January 28, 2012

There was always going to be a wall. Truth be told I thought I would have hit it around day two, imagine my surprise when I lasted until week four. What a die-hard. In fairness (read excuse), this wall appeared about 2 minutes after I started feeling impossibly gross this week. This was the kind of gross that makes you text your sister-in-law at odd times of the day to request a pregnancy test (she's a vet nurse...there's a long story behind how all THAT fits together). The cliff notes version of this tale is that I'm seriously concerned the tests were wrong not pregnant. The result, photos that were about as inspired as I felt....blah!

To reign-in this post from becoming a monologue of self despair here's at least "wins" from this week:
1. Despite spending this week curled foetal in bed I did manage to take at least one photo each day = Persistence Win!
2. When driving back from the beach on Monday I managed to swerve violently & nearly cause a traffic incident avoid running over a baby Hedgehog. He didn't make the cut for the 23rd but boy he was a cutie (if you put aside the fact he was most likely diseased flea ridden and possibly rabid...) = Nature Win!
3. Currently editing some awesome pictures for Michelle's gorgeous family, can't wait to share them with everyone = Photography Win!
4. After extensive research into the matter I've concluded that The Princess Bride is quite possibly the best movie ever made. Period. I realise this is a bold, and potentially controversial claim although I believe I have the body of evidence to substantiate. Any movie that produces such one-liners as "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die," has characters named Buttercup, Prince Humperdinck, Westley and The Albino & a plot including fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love and miracles. I rest my case. Go watch it and then try to disagree = Sickness Win!

So what can we distill from the above? Hitting a wall is a common & entirely normal part of any journey. There will be times when all you can do is admit defeat, spread eagle on the couch & watch movies intended for those who have not yet gone through puberty. Be kind to yourself, afterall Rome wasn't built in a day... Just remember the sun will come up tomorrow and this, like all things in life, will pass to.

Failing the philosophy The Princess Bride & coffee are tried and tested remedies that result in the same outcome.

Enjoy this week!!!


  1. Hi there Jacqueline,

    am dropping in via Kiwi Mummy Blogs and wanted to say that your pics are gorgeous. Especially love no 5.

    Hope that this week is far better for you :-)

    1. Hi Cate,

      Thanks so much for stopping by - thanks for the lovely comment. People like you definitely make this challenge worth it! Promise to deliver better pics next week :)


  2. jacqs awesome pics as always. love the little sandman :)

  3. Hey there.....elasti-boy is my fav. Too cute! Can't wait to see what you come up with for this week. You are super talented.

  4. Fab pics - you really have an eye for spotting an amazing photo opp. Love them all but especially love the 23rd and 27th.


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